NGO Details
Our Management

Mr. Rabindra Nath Routh

Mrs. Ava Rani Routh

Mr. Sakti Kumar Giri

Mr. Sudip Manna

Mr. Suvasis Giri

Mrs. Kabita Maity
Our Object
1.Serving the humanity, especially the people who are poor, downtrodden, diseased or belonging to weaker and deprived sections including the women , children and old persons, and work for their well-being and a living with respect, dignity and meaningfulness.
2.To cause awa renes s and take up measures for preven tion of disease and pro motion of hea lth- phys ical , mental, social and sp iritual- in the commun ity, both rural and urban, and engage in the activiti es of providing necessary medi cal faci li ties to every segment of the commun ity, especially to th e chroni cally sick, diseased and he lpless people. Al so, provide health educati on and psycho logical counseling services.
3.To pro vid e in sti tuti onal, non-institutional, ps ycho logical support to destitute and helpl ess women and make efforts for their rehabi litation and development.
4.To crea te and operate fa cilities for the welfare and care of elderly people to enable them to lead a digni fie d, secure, hea lthy, peaceful and active life and help them.effectively meet th e geriatri c challenges, claim their rights, mitigate discrimination and ov ercome poverty.
5.To establish, develop and man age in stitutions for the physically, ment ally and socially challenged children with an object to provide them shelter, facilities, care,support , counseling, education and an opportunity for a healthy growth and personality development ; hence enabling them to meet the life-challenges with best of their capabilities.
6.To establish, open, develop , adopt , run , support, maint ain and administer schools, colleges, hos tels, trai ning cente rs and ca ree r counseling centers so as to promote and provide education of all types (i.e. ba sic, professional, technical and competition oriented etc.) for the benefit of general public and needy , promising or meritorious students.
7.To institute scholarships, stip ends, medals, prizes etc . to help and encourage talented or meritorious individuals and deserving students and to provide financial aid to students, scholars and teac hers coming from poor and deprived se ctions of society for pursuing their edu cational career.
8.To und ertake pro gra ms and engage civil society, bu sin es s, public sector, general public and other stake-holders on environm ental protection, sustainable development and climate ch ange iss ues . Also undertake and promote research work on climate change issues and provid e evidence-ba sed inpu ts for gl obal /national environmental protec tion and climate ch ange policies.
9.To engag e in acti vit ies and advocacy for pro tection and preservation of cultural heritage, promo te Indi an culture and Indian hi story and promotion and spread of Hindi literature.
10.To create environmental awareness for sustainable development with Social forestry, agro forestry, tree pl ant ation , community for estry as well s as medicinal plantation to promote Indian system of medicine and consumerism with an aim to create a socially and environmentally conscious so ciety .
11.To engage in activities and advocacy for protection and promotion of human rights, promote/ advocate a rights-based approach to development and help the victims of human rights violation by prov iding them ass istance and advice.
12.To promote cultural activities- music, performing arts, fine arts, folk lores and facilitate the talents in realizing their potential by providing support and assistance.
13.To generate a spirit of self-help and create self-help groups particularly among the people of deprived and weaker sections and backward areas to make them self-reliant and self-sufficient.
14.To conduct study, research and development in the fields of health-care , environment and climate change, protection and promotion of human rights, education, empowerment of women, prevention of corruption , rural development, welfare of children, women, senior citizens, other weaker sections of the community and in all other subjects dealt by this Trust and share the outcome with the relevant agencies/authorities.
14.To establish and maintain libraries and reading rooms at the reg istered and bran ch offices of the Trust and other places .
15.To undertake publication of in- house newslett ers, research papers, survey reports, periodicals, house maga zines, journals , mono grap hs, pamphlets etc. for the exposition of the objects and activities of th e Trust and its wide dissemin ation.
16.To associate, join, subscribe, co-ordinate, collaborate, federate , or affiliate with other organizations (both government and non-government), federations, associations or chambers whose aims and objectives are, in whole or in part, similar to those of this Trust and jointly develop and execute the programs in service of humanity Also, to co-ordinate and collaborate with UN and other international agencies and undertake projects on the subject matters dealt by the Trust.
17.To conduct local , regional , national, and international exhibitions seminars conferences , workshops and special trainings on the subject matters dealt by this Trust and support and facilitate Trust members’ / nominees’ participation in such events organised elsewhere.
18.To acquire and take over all or any part of movable or immovable properties of any similar trust, society or in stitution or anyone else, whosoever may offer the same and is deemed right after due diligence, for the purpose/aims and objects of the Trust and to maintain such assets.
19.To raise funds, through grants, aids , donations , subscriptions, sponsorships, presents ,rent, gifts and loans or any assistance in other form etc. for the fulfilment of aims & objects of the Trust.
20.To receive financial and non -financial assistance from any Government department (both central as well as state), public sector, non -government organizations ,international agencies /organizations , banks, Body corporate(s ) Publ ic Bodies, urban, local municipal , district and other bodiesand other legal entities .
Our Certificates